
I've been really inactive and I'm really sorry but I've been working on something for you all :) I've now finished uni so have time and motivation to write! There will be something really soon for you all. Watch this space!


I have exciting news! I have started writing a new book about Connor Ball!  I have just started writing it and it’s something that I plan on publishing over the next few weeks so new books are coming soon, don’t worry!! I will be better at updating too, I promise ☺️


Hello all! I have posted a new book called Just a Fan, please go and read it. it would mean the world to me if you did! It's a James McVey Fanfic if you're interested in that kind of thing! My aim is to update every week but it might turn into twice a week depending on how busy I am and if I want to update! Chapter 3 is out now so go and give it a read.


Hello! Sorry I haven't been active recently, I have just unpublished Saved as I feel that it wasn't going anywhere BUT I am going to rewrite it at some point and make it a million times better than it was. I have a surprise for you as well and I really hope you like it. I love you all <3


Hey everyone! I hope you have enjoyed the first few chapters of saved! Updating it will be a little bit off and weird but I will update when I can! I hope you are all enjoying the book so far and if you have any ideas for it, please contact me! Thank you so much! I love you all <3 xxx


Hey! Sorry I haven't been around for ages, I am still alive I promise! Life just get's in the way sometimes :) anyway, I have a new book out called saved and I've posted the first chapter! I will update it when I can but I can't promise anything. I hope you like it and it would mean the world to me if you could give it a read and share it! Thank you so much, I love you all <3 xxx


Hello! I have a new book coming very soon for all of you lovely people! I hope you'll like it, I'm working on it a bit at the moment just pre writing some chapters so I can actually update for you! I also have a few ideas for other books! Please keep reading my books, sharing, commenting and voting them. I love you all <3 xxx


Hey guys, I will update later on today as I have no clue what's going on with Wattpad, I need to have a look at it but  I will do it when I got better wifi which'll be this evening! Sorry to keep you guys waiting but please keep sharing 'My dad is George Shelley' thank you so much! I love you all <3 xxx