
this message may be offensive
@eroticmusa Funny how you block me after I called you out on your plagiarism bullshit!


this message may be offensive
          	  How could you utter such a ribald statement as such? Do you not consider how much your words can affect an individual? Before you talk shit about someone, consider their sentiments, at least. You think it was easy for me to hear this from another author? When I heard this, I cried, broke down crying. Why would you say such things on your board, and rumors have it that you're talking nonsense about me on other people's board also. That's not nice, nor is it kind. I am someone who is loved and adored by many. I am a kind person who would love to receive kindness in return. It wasn't nice of you to do something like this, my love. You really broke my heart.
          	  Maybe I was wrong for blocking you. Forgive me in advance for that. It was never my intention to, but all I desired was to carry on with my drama-free life. A life with no chaos on this app. I never came on this app for its toxicity, for its unkindness, and for its negativity. I came here with a purpose. To make people happy and to pursue my aspirations of becoming a writer in the future. I don't indulge in plagiarism. I know the legal consequences that come with such issue. So, please hold your comments like "it ain't cute nor legal" because I am fully aware of that. 
          	  I pray my message doesn't come across as impertinent. Forgive me in advance for it. I know you have a bit of kindness inside of you to comprehend the trouble you've put me through. Just know that you are still loved immensely by me, and I forgive you for what you've done.


this message may be offensive
          	  I truly despise when people compare my novel to another author on this app. Yes, there are similarities regarding the tropes but that doesn’t necessarily mean that my book is copied word for word for another author. If you’ve read books like mine, you’ll notice that there are hundreds of other books with the same tropes, so out of all of them, why bring your animosity onto my book? I created this book on my own. I thought of this plot myself. It’s not nice hearing reviews like this. Because my book can be easily reported by such negative slurs. Please, try to understand.
          	  Don’t say shit like I don’t have original ideas and all I do is copy and paste others’ masterpieces. I work tirelessly, every fucking day and night to inscribe a chapter for Dancing with the Devil. Through tears, mental exhaustion, points where I felt like giving up and killing myself. Points where I feel like deleting my novel and never returning to Wattpad. I put this novel before my mental health, before my life, before my academics at some points in time, and before people whom I adore dearly. This novel has been the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, and receiving hurtful slurs like these is like being pierced in the heart with a knife. I don’t know how much more I must speak against the fact that I hate when my book is compared to someone else’s novel.


this message may be offensive
          	  I’d admit plagiarism is not right nor is it legal. But I’m not an idiotic person. I am well aware of that fact, and I don't condone such. Though, I’m genuinely grateful to you, beautiful angel, for being such a lovely saint and calling me out, even after I had rectified my mistake. I’m not infuriated with you for that, nonetheless, my heart breaks immensely at the fact that you’re speaking utter shit about me on your wall. 
          	  “I have no original ideas.” Damn, that hurts my feelings. Anyone who knows me well, understands that I am a very magnanimous person, though, there’s only so much that a kind person can take. My book, Dancing with the Devil, the plot, the book itself is a product of my own imagination. I have mentioned this a plethora of fucking times, and I will repeat it again! My book is a product of my own imagination. The title nor the plot was not copied from another author. I have not stolen anything from anyone. I'm not that stupid. If you search up, the words, “Dancing with the Devil,” you’re going to get a mosaic of books under the same god damn title. Every single time, I have to deal with this ludicrous issue. 
          	  Have you read my book darling? Tell me, is my book a copy and paste of Cassie’s book, Dancing with the Devil? The plot is not equivalent. If you read my book, you wouldn’t say shit like this. I confess that the tropes are similar, regarding, mob boss and stripper, but have you read my book entirely to ensure that the plot was similar to hers? I bet you didn’t, no?


this message may be offensive
@eroticmusa Funny how you block me after I called you out on your plagiarism bullshit!


this message may be offensive
            How could you utter such a ribald statement as such? Do you not consider how much your words can affect an individual? Before you talk shit about someone, consider their sentiments, at least. You think it was easy for me to hear this from another author? When I heard this, I cried, broke down crying. Why would you say such things on your board, and rumors have it that you're talking nonsense about me on other people's board also. That's not nice, nor is it kind. I am someone who is loved and adored by many. I am a kind person who would love to receive kindness in return. It wasn't nice of you to do something like this, my love. You really broke my heart.
            Maybe I was wrong for blocking you. Forgive me in advance for that. It was never my intention to, but all I desired was to carry on with my drama-free life. A life with no chaos on this app. I never came on this app for its toxicity, for its unkindness, and for its negativity. I came here with a purpose. To make people happy and to pursue my aspirations of becoming a writer in the future. I don't indulge in plagiarism. I know the legal consequences that come with such issue. So, please hold your comments like "it ain't cute nor legal" because I am fully aware of that. 
            I pray my message doesn't come across as impertinent. Forgive me in advance for it. I know you have a bit of kindness inside of you to comprehend the trouble you've put me through. Just know that you are still loved immensely by me, and I forgive you for what you've done.


this message may be offensive
            I truly despise when people compare my novel to another author on this app. Yes, there are similarities regarding the tropes but that doesn’t necessarily mean that my book is copied word for word for another author. If you’ve read books like mine, you’ll notice that there are hundreds of other books with the same tropes, so out of all of them, why bring your animosity onto my book? I created this book on my own. I thought of this plot myself. It’s not nice hearing reviews like this. Because my book can be easily reported by such negative slurs. Please, try to understand.
            Don’t say shit like I don’t have original ideas and all I do is copy and paste others’ masterpieces. I work tirelessly, every fucking day and night to inscribe a chapter for Dancing with the Devil. Through tears, mental exhaustion, points where I felt like giving up and killing myself. Points where I feel like deleting my novel and never returning to Wattpad. I put this novel before my mental health, before my life, before my academics at some points in time, and before people whom I adore dearly. This novel has been the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, and receiving hurtful slurs like these is like being pierced in the heart with a knife. I don’t know how much more I must speak against the fact that I hate when my book is compared to someone else’s novel.


this message may be offensive
            I’d admit plagiarism is not right nor is it legal. But I’m not an idiotic person. I am well aware of that fact, and I don't condone such. Though, I’m genuinely grateful to you, beautiful angel, for being such a lovely saint and calling me out, even after I had rectified my mistake. I’m not infuriated with you for that, nonetheless, my heart breaks immensely at the fact that you’re speaking utter shit about me on your wall. 
            “I have no original ideas.” Damn, that hurts my feelings. Anyone who knows me well, understands that I am a very magnanimous person, though, there’s only so much that a kind person can take. My book, Dancing with the Devil, the plot, the book itself is a product of my own imagination. I have mentioned this a plethora of fucking times, and I will repeat it again! My book is a product of my own imagination. The title nor the plot was not copied from another author. I have not stolen anything from anyone. I'm not that stupid. If you search up, the words, “Dancing with the Devil,” you’re going to get a mosaic of books under the same god damn title. Every single time, I have to deal with this ludicrous issue. 
            Have you read my book darling? Tell me, is my book a copy and paste of Cassie’s book, Dancing with the Devil? The plot is not equivalent. If you read my book, you wouldn’t say shit like this. I confess that the tropes are similar, regarding, mob boss and stripper, but have you read my book entirely to ensure that the plot was similar to hers? I bet you didn’t, no?