
  If you like love stories..,
          I got one..
          If you have time please read it..
          And yeah.. I'm a boy..haha..
          so u can't usually see boy writers here writing romantic novels..haha..
          i got it now until ch.12 so enjoy..!
          Don't forget to leave your comment
          and please vote..
          If you want, be a fan..


          i was just wondering if u could take a look at my new story, Harewood crescent? it's about this girl who loves music and she goes on this music trip and falls in love with a guy called steve.But when tradgedy strikes she doesnt know if she really can fall in love with angel.... 
          so pleaz vote...comment? maybe become a fan??? 
          its not finished yet bt all my friends love it and say its really good. 
          i know these can get annoying bt its the only way i can get peeps to read it. These things dont stay on the whats new page for any long. thanks, Amy (: 


Hey welcome to Wattpad!! if you havent got these there going to get annoying but i was hoping if you could take a peek at my story!!
          thanks and the favor will be returned if you comment what your story is in my profile!!
          Thanks and Welcome!!


Hey! I wanted to ask you If you had time to read my story. Like… If you don't have time to read it that's fine. It’s Called-What Changed My Life? Wait! Am I falling In love with HIM?! If that doesn’t interest you, I also have a new story up called If I’m a Werewolf Princess, why are Vampires making my life so difficult? The werewolf/vampire story mostly comes from Princess Keiko's POV. Keiko has suddenly been invited to Prince Jordon's 3 month birthday celebration. She makes friends with Isaiah, Ethan, and Amanda the faeries. Or does she? She also has a main enemy named Claire who is a Vampire while Claire has her backup Cousins Primula and Percy. Primula and Percy are water nymphs. How do all of their lives mix? What will come forth? What secret is so secret, that it's in plain sight?
          So if you have time, I'd love for you to read it!


HELLO Katie!!! Welcome to Wattpad! 
          Well, I have 2 stories up, 'The Secret Vampire' and '"You're my Stormy Summer," he whispered.' <-----This one has no mystical/supernatural creatures in it. 
          I was wondering if you could take a look, Vote//Comment//Become a Fan; it's all greatly appreciated. I even have some poems up if you are interested(: 
          If you ever get a chance to look at them, please do! Thank you so much for your time!:D 
          A Secret Vampire LINK: 
          "You're my Stormy Summer," he whispered. LINK: 


Before these get too annoying, would you mind checking out my story?
          It's all about teenagers, romance, corruption, depression and drugs etc
          totally fine if it's not up your street,
          it's called
          I'm Forever Yours, But Are You Forever Mine!
          Comment, vote and maybe even fan if you enjoy my work
          it's only a chapter long so it wouldn't take long at all!
          thanks in advance