
Next chapter of “Not So Broken” is up! 


Hey y’all! Ive seen some comments asking me to update my JJ story (Not So Broken). Just wanted to say im sorry for such a long period of absence. My parents had my phone for like forever (for reasons that shall not be named) and then I had like no storage on my phone and I had to delete something and Wattpad was the ✨sacrificial✨ app. Also I didn’t expect 7k reads WHAT. THANK YALL SO MUCH. So I plan on updating tmrw or Saturday. I’ll try for tmrw but I ✨procrastinated✨ and have a lot of schoolwork due so it may be until Saturday until I update. ALSO. If I don’t update is bc I have bad grades this term and report cards come out so my parents will most likely take my phone again but only for a few days.