random rant: this girl who i used to be bffs with before she completely ruined my life then moved away posted a vid tdy on her public tt acc saying how much she loves her sister when i know for a fact that’s a lie bc she talks shit abt her little 4 year old sister ALL the time and talks abt how she’s so upset that she’s her new stepsister bc she hates her sm and all this stuff and it makes me so mad bc i don’t understand people who work like that. like how r u so toxic and two faced to your poor little step sister who’s like 4 years old.
is it good so far. im like rereading it and im writing my own oneeee but its based on the movie. I just got all six books today so im reading them as well
OKKK i just came back from universal studios in cali AND OMG hogsmeade is actually so cool there bro. i had butter beer which was amazingggg and the rides were super cool too! i got sorted, and got slytherin ofc.
@OnlyDylansGirl yes!! it was so cool, and my personal favorite ride, and i can totally agree with it kinda sucking, the rides were for little kids but the aesthetic was super cool for each park.
@iluvbrvnettes- the only time i went there kinda sucked but universal itself is pretty cool did you go on the harry potter ride like through the castle? thats my fav