
✨ The person reading this is an amazing person! You deserve lots of love!I hope you're having a great day! If I send this to you then I consider you a close friend, of that who I care for. Send it back if you consider me a close friend. You can always count on me! ✨Oh, and don´t get stressed ok? or I'll go to your house with a slipper >:v you know what I´m talking about XD Have a good night bro uwu


Modo gring@ activado XD


✨Paste this ✨ on the ✨ tne nicest ✨ people's profiles ✨ anf if you ✨ get 10 ✨ back then ✨ you are ✨ really special ♡♡♡♡ 
          está en inglés pero me imagino que le entenderás ( •̀ ω •́ )✧


@ SunFox4  jeje :D♡