
I just now found out that my mother knew a chief in the coast guard and called him "Master Queef"
          	OK WTF-


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Fuck my life
          My step dad's mother has Alzheimer's and I just got screamed at by her for trying to make sure she doesn't wander. 
          Also, I need advice on how to confess to someone. I've been in relationships but I've never been the one to confess yet. Plz help.


@im_jax_bitches I don't have good advice but for me I'd say to whoever your telling that I started a relationship with this person recently you know like a liar and would hope that that person your telling is cool with it and apologize for not telling then


@im_jax_bitches rough. I’d try and give you advice but I think we both know I’m not one to know. Also, personally I’d ask A.S. but I don’t think they’re too great with that stuff either.


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I'm fucking pissed off.
          My mom is making me go to morp with this kid who I used to hang out with forcefully because he had no friends. This kid is the most sexist bitch ever and I hope he dies in a ditch in the future. But, now I have to deal with him for 2-3 hours. I am going to go in a tuxe though because he says "he doesn't like a woman in a suit" (I'm still closeted btw because my family is homophobic) and he doesn't like a woman who's independent. I'll make a small story and put a picture of what I'm wearing in it so you can see.


@im_jax_bitches they sound like absolute assholes as well as the sexist guy


@im_jax_bitches Oh lord. Again??? Seriously, I don’t know how many times I have to say it but your family is INSANE for making you do that.