
I know I'm late, but happy Valentine's Day 


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If you've been my friend on here for awhile, you know I have a shitty dad.
          Well, yesterday during testing, my math teacher Mr. F (who looks and acts just like my father) immediately jumped on me saying I was doing something wrong. He acted identical to how my dad used to before he would shove me in my room and lock the door on me. This caused me to have a panic attack, and I don't think I'm going to be able to listen to this teacher again. I sent him a long email about how I felt and that he could have handled it better. So, yeah, I'm never escaping people like that fucker who traumatized me.


@lovejtremain exactly. I wish Mrs. P was still our teacher. She was awesome 


@im_jax_bitches I know, I don't like him either, its like he doesn't want to do his job


Made $100 waiting on tables today for three hours. That's just in tips that I split with my best friend. Some people need to understand that if they get baked fish, it's gonna take longer to get the food because baking takes longer than frying.


@im_jax_bitches Yeah, cant she have a little bit of patience?


@lovejtremain yeah, a group of like four came in during the dinner rush and did nothing but complain. They ordered baked walleye and baked cod. They came up about a half hour later and said "well, we should have had our food fifteen minutes ago". LIKE, WOMAN SHUT IT


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So, I guess my mom quit her job
          Her boss was a complete arrogant asshole and pushed her to far. He can go fuck himself 


@im_jax_bitches Yeah! I can't stand people like that. They are horrible... I'm terribly sorry that this happened. I hope everything is better now :)


Well, guess who got no sleep last night and is currently crushing to get two assignments done by the end of the week! 
          Totally not me...


@im_jax_bitches I don't know either... How did it go?


@im_jax_bitches thanks gurl. And yeah, I can't figure out how to start the short story without Mrs. T getting weird about it 


@im_jax_bitches The short story and the science project?  I'm so sorry Jax, hope things get better.
            I've been working on those too... It has been difficult and my anxiety has been crazy lately.
            I kept my lips sealed about the whole trans thing as promised!