
Hi just wanted to say thank you for adding ‘The Destiny Between Us’ to your reading list. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing. Thank you for the support every little thing helps, I also have other stories you can check out while waiting for updates.
          Em <3


hey !! thank you for adding my book to your reading list !! hope you enjoy it ♡ 


oh my god, thank you so much !!! and omg im sorry to take away your sleep haha :) 


@sweetseraphs omg your an amazing writer I completely loved it! I stayed up to 3 am finishing it 


          Hi there! 
          I just wanted to thank you for adding my recommendations book, Wattpad Favorites, to your reading list! I hope you find something of your liking to read in there! 
          Oh also, since your fairly new to Wattpad(according to the bio thing where it says the date you joined), I just wanted to welcome you! I hope you enjoy this site!