I honestly don't know how fellow writers post so frequently on here. That being said, I'm writing -- a lot, at that -- just not super confident in my work. Therefore I am stalling lol but I do have plans to post.
I honestly don't know how fellow writers post so frequently on here. That being said, I'm writing -- a lot, at that -- just not super confident in my work. Therefore I am stalling lol but I do have plans to post.
I've been dealing with some personal issues of late which is why I haven't been able to publish (let alone, finish) these latest chapters. Luckily, I think I'm back. I have half of chapters 1 and 2 done so be on look out!
I have so many drafts, but lack to confidence to either continue, rewrite, or do anything at this point. I haven’t written in a long time and I don’t have any ideas. I need some inspiration
I've pretty much lost all motivation to write. I've gotten better but I'm not liking my stories. I may have to restart so yea...keep an eye out for updates or a new story all together..