
@ohnoitsthatbooknerd awww thanks but sometimes I wish I had brown hair cause certain outfits look weird with orange hair :) haha and I know exactly what you mean no offence to the people who wright them but there really isn't any originality


Yup. I search long and hard to find stories that are fresh and new. Never wish you and brown hair! Wear stuff that goes with your hair :) I just realized that in like, four of the series that I've read the main character is a ginger. And all the rest she's got brown hair. Never a blonde for whatever reason....


Are you new to Wattywattpad? Aha that was a bad joke. I don't know if you even got that reference. Anyways a thank you shall always be a thank you. SO THANK YOU FOR THE FOLLOW HUN. Are you really a ginger? I only know one in real life. I'm blabbing now sorry.