
Went to watch the new Spiderverse movie with a friend, 100% expecting to simp for Miguel O'Hara... 
          	Nope, my brain saw The Spot and was instantly like "Oop, off to simp for the goofy turned eldritch horror villain we go!"
          	Will this be the time I properly get into Marvel stuff? Regardless- I think I found what my next fic is gonna be about (still gonna finish the Bowser one first tho cause we're so close to the end--)


just binged your spider-verse story and it was so good! it’s well written and i’ve never seen any fanfics follow spots story, most don’t actually acknowledge his sad backstory. It was just so good aaaa thank you for posting it :D


@SadManEin I- awww thank youuu I'm glad you liked my story so much! I really did want to analyze his character more in this fic, I'm really looking forward to seeing where they bring his character in Beyond the Spider-verse =w=


Went to watch the new Spiderverse movie with a friend, 100% expecting to simp for Miguel O'Hara... 
          Nope, my brain saw The Spot and was instantly like "Oop, off to simp for the goofy turned eldritch horror villain we go!"
          Will this be the time I properly get into Marvel stuff? Regardless- I think I found what my next fic is gonna be about (still gonna finish the Bowser one first tho cause we're so close to the end--)




Glad to hear that, also thank you for voting on my Bowser story! It means a lot


I'm good thanks, and you?


Whelp, saw the Mario movie today and I can feel my obsession with that franchise rise exponentially- Super Mario has been one of my recurring hyperfixations, but I think it might be officially back and stay here a good while-
          Naturally, I'm going to wrap up "A Date with Markiplier" first, but once that's done... I already know I gotta write something Mario-themed to make my peanut brain happy


Recently found out that the "Lady" in ISWM, aka Allu Minium is played by a nonbinary actor and uses they/them pronouns, so I'll change all the pronouns to the correct ones in my fanfic, I know it's a small thing, and the fanfic's been completed for months now, but as a nonbinary person myself I feel like it's gotta be done


I am almost 100% sure that Mark is working on something new for his cinematic universe, he's been making way too many references to WKM and AHWM in many of his videos for it to just be a coincidence, plus, during Thankmas Jack said that SOMEONE was working on new ego stuff--
          I am excite for what's to come!