
I’ve totally screwed up my sleep schedule for writing and painting. I just finished painting “You were the sun, and I was crashing into you” onto my wall!!!! Definitely LOVING it!


In case you were wondering, yes, I do purposely stay awake until about 12:30 or 1am to start writing in complete dark and silence because yes, it does help me think and focus better. Do my parents know this? Nope. Do I use my mother’s really nice computer that is only supposed to be used for work? Yup. Why? BECAUSE ITS SOOOO PRETTY AND SO MUCH EASIER TO WRITE ON THEN MY SCHOOL-MANDATED CRAPPY CHROMEBOOK 


Hey guys! So sorry I’ve been gone for a while but I will be returning very shortly, not to worry! I’ve had a crazy few weeks/month or two and I haven’t had much time for tyne story, but I will be continuing it as planned. Thanks for sticking around!! 


Hey guys! If you don’t know her, @ mudblood428 (on instagram, and an amAZING artist) drew an absolutely gorgeous SnowBaz Christmas piece the other day, and I decided to write a fic to go along with it, but also as part of the Carry On Countdown — Christmas Celebration!! It has been posted with “Beyond” since that is also where I posted my other #carryoncountdown fics. I hope you chose to check it out and I hope you like it! ♡ ♡ ♡ xxxx


So as you know I haven’t updated in a while, but I decided to post something I wrote for the Carry On Countdown this year! December 10th is Re-Imagined Scene (What If...?) So I decided to write the scene where Simon tried to break up with Baz, but this time, Penny doesn’t interrupt. Lmk if you think I did a good job!