
The Enigma Chapter 3: First Impressions has been Revised and slightly Altered! Go check it out NOW!


Greetings chat. The fire flickers once more. Awaiting to be set in a blaze.


@imareader69alpha Hello again! Hope you had a great summer.


Hello! About to bring some encouraging words for those small writers:
          Remember this, whenever you see that your book is not doing so well and is mainly getting views instead of votes and comments. Do not see that as a sign to give up on it entirely. 
          Instead, try to see the good side of it. Because of me personally, there are so many books I've come to love reading on Wattpad and other platforms.(Mainly RWBY stuff) Yet I had not voted on it nor commented on my feelings about it. I just saved it in my private reads and come back to it every once and a while, that's all. And I know I'm not the only one that's like this. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
          Now with that knowledge, think of those views and imagine the people behind them who are invested in your story. And are just dying to wait for a new chapter coming from you.(I feel like I've said this before lmao)
          But just remember as a writer you have to keep things interesting, fix your past grammar mistakes, and most importantly. Have fun :)
          (Like me for example, out of 8.9k and counting reads on "The Enigma" book. Only about 600 people were engaged in my story. Which isn't a lot and is a terrible ratio, but I digress.)


Had to make this announcement. Thank you all so much for your comments on the last post.
          But don't worry, I won't be making them just yet. It's just to inform you all ahead of time if I should go forward with it or not. Because from my last (last) post. I said "I was working on understanding the OC's more and there given background" and I did! (Sort of)
          But of course, I still have to focus on the main book and developing its story in general. So this idea of mine won't be in the spotlight anytime soon.
          Again. Thank you! And I will see you all when I'm feeling inspired again.


            Best of luck and see you on the other side.


@imareader69alpha Bro finna come back with the FNAF lore 2. Heed my words.


While I'm taking a break from writing, I have this idea in my head that I've had for some time now. 
          Where I would make a separate book for "The Enigma" but it would be for the OC characters. Like a trailer of sorts. (More specifically like the Red, White, Black, and Yellow trailers from Rooster Teeth)
          They would usually be about 1000 or 3000 words long depending.
           Thoughts? I'll leave them up to you guys.


@imareader69alpha Take a rest bro and enjoy the beginning of the summer.
            Or get burned, depends on location.


            I absolutely love the idea. We can chat about the possibilities of Octavia. But regarding the break, Genesis is right. If you're taking a break, then take the break. You earned it for the work you already did.


Update on "The Enigma":
          Hello! If y'all are wondering where I've been. I have been cooking up a storm lately using the available OC characters that I've been currently given.
           It's mostly deepening and understanding their character background (That was provided by the Readers) and exploring it a bit more with my own unique twists. And how much it will connect or clash with the other reader's OC's.
          Suffice to say, I've made some pretty good progress with it but in return I barely made any progress with the current storyline so I'll probably get back to working as soon as I'm done with this along with real life problems.
          For those that are new here and are checking my profile out. Check my "The Enigma" book and head towards the chapter called "The Change and A Call to Arms" for the Readers OC submissions.
          Alright, peace!


So.... I just finished watching Fixing RWBY Volume 4 by Celtic Phoenix. (Go check it out btw it's so worth it) and I'm just sitting here in my bed in the middle of night. Rewriting a fight scene whilst contemplating the future of Roman and Neo's character. Especially on Neo's side of things.
          Future spoiler alert for "The Enigma": 
          Neo practically treats you like a brother she never had, much like how she feels when Roman takes care of her up until now. So she often relies on you (cloaker (Y/n)) to be her sparring buddy, but mainly a guy that she can converse with on her free times. (Through sign language!) And is rather way more open to you than even Roman himself.


For those who are interested, here are the upcoming chapters for Volume 1 of "The Enigma" Book.
          {Filler Chapter} - Trapped With The Wolves.
          {Filler Chapter} - End Of The Line.
          (Chapter 7) - Day One.
          (Chapter 8) - Shady Businesses.
          (Chapter 9) - Gaining a Cat's Trust.
          {Filler Chapter} - Cheating Without Snitching. ( J's chapter)
          {Filler Chapter} - Fox Habit's. (Octavia's chapter)
          {Filler Chapter} - Dueling The Enigma. ((Y/n)'s chapter)
          {Filler Chapter} - Pride. (Grey's chapter)
          (Chapter 10) - Getting Along.
          (Chapter 11) - Our Stories. 
          {Filler Chapter) - Burdens To Bear.
          (Chapter 12) - The Part Where Cardin Gets Beaten Up.
          (Chapter 13) - Forever Fall.
          {Filler Chapter} - What Lies Beyond.
          (Chapter 14) -  Out Of The Bag.
          {Filler Chapter} - Past Works.
          (Chapter 15 Finale) - A Choice.
          [Epilogue] - Standing By.
          These are the chapters that I've planned so far. Might add more.


@imareader69alpha lmao, I like to plan ahead. Literally got a Google doc that could form a big spider web filled with Oc characters from how they start to how they end.


            Bro, how? I can barely pay attention to write a single 6-page chapter, let alone come up with an entire storyline...