Parents be body shaming me and comparing me to my cousin sister and then asking "WhY aRe yOU NOt CoNfIDEnT" like um if i recall u were the one who said "Zahraa is so pretty, why can't u be like her?" "Look at Zahraa's hair, why can't u keep ur hair like that?" "Look at Zahraa's marks...why can't u be as smart as her?" "I wish Zahraa was my daughter" "Look at how thin she is" Yeah haha, i know im ugly, dont keep rubbing it in lol

@karmaslostbride also my very NICE mother praises u infront of me even if u breathe- :)) but thats how life is yk wild life

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Bro I got an f in math yesterday and my dumbass teacher put a 24/100 for a TEST that I got a 96 for and now my avg for science is down to a 70 and my grades are dropping like a baby that was thrown from a plane ✌️