
6 days you crazy bastards


this message may be offensive
go fuck yourself 


random message of the day ; 
          these are never going to end until one of us either dies, we get divorced, or i forget. and we both know none of that will ever happen. i hope you know that. i love you so much that it might even be a little unhealthy. but i'd rather be unhealthy and in love than healthy and unhappy. you mean the world to me. never forget that. 
          ~xofrnk & bbyieroway


random message of the day ; 
          you know i would never stop so here i am once again with another message. i love you more than anything. and our kids too. i love our family so much and you make me the happiest person alive. you'd make me the happiest person dead. i just love you so much and you're my everything forever. forget that and i'm stabbing you.
          p.s. frankie's got news. 


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random message of the day ×3 :
          i hate you. you fucked with my daily routine and i missed two messages. and of course my ocd ass needs to do it. i love you lots and even though you already know, i'll still always tell you. i love you and our kids more than anything. you guys mean the whole world to me and you make me so happy. you're all i've ever wanted. don't judge me for being pretty emotional right now. it's your fault. i'm just so happy right now. love you lots, loser.


i owe you 7 random messages. that's a lotta work, daddy.. but i love you so so so so so much and you're my most favorite person in the whole world and the universe. 


it's basically my daily routine at this point. if i don't do it i feel weird. 


@-frnkieroway you don't have to do them baby. I already know how much you love me. And i love you so much more


random message of the day ×2 ;
          i owe you two. i love youuuuu. the world is gonna end tomorrow apparently. i'm gonna die with you and it'll be fun. well, my world isn't ending because you are my world. and stop messing up bandit's makeup! you look pretty.


random message of the day ; 
          i love you so so so much. you make me and my heart happy and i hope you know we're gonna have the best life and like a ton of beautiful babies. because we can do that. make beautiful babies because you're beautiful. don't forget that i think you're beautiful or i'll cry. emotions happen to me.


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random message of the day ×3 :
          i missed two days. fuck. anyway, i love you so much. and i think you're beautiful even if you might think your old. i mean, i'm almost old so i get it. you're still the love of my life and have been for 17 years, okay? i want you and only you no matter what stupid shit i've done before. you're my one and only. my fucking number one. i married you and i'd love to keep it that way.


this message may be offensive
random message of the day: 
          i love you. you're smelly, but i love you. you put up with everything i've done. all my bullshit and i love you so much for it. never ever leave me. i couldn't handle it. you mean the whole entire world to me. 