Long time no see! Unfortunately I did delete “So You’re A Boogara.” I wrote it when I was 11 and didn’t feel like it needed to exist in the world anymore. For one, I was much younger and I cringed a lot thinking about my bad writing. Although I’m grateful for the over 100k reads, my views changed and I felt awkward knowing that Ryan is a real person with a real partner. It wasn’t getting much attention anymore and after self conflict I ultimately I removed it. I still love BuzzFeed Unsolved/Watcher. I’m an avid watcher of both shows, but I just want to be as respectful as possible. It’s possible that you can still find the fic archived somewhere, although I won’t lie to you and say that it’s likely. I apologize, I honestly didn’t know that people still read it even after all this time. Let me know if you want me to continue the Different Times story, I feel more comfortable writing that considering it’s not romantic. Have a great day you guys :)

@realspurpled I’m definitely going to continue it, I’m editing chapters rn! Stay in tuned, I’m going to try to post today!

i’m so glad you’re back, honestly. logging in after months and seeing this was a surprise but if you decide to continue different times, i’m definitely reading it! your writing has always been—in my opinion—the best i’ve ever seen when i was a kid. glad to see you still have an interest!!