I remember when I first saw them perform it was the 2012 Kid's choice award. I was mesmerized by them and I still am. They are my life and my loves. They are amazing boys who don't realize how much we all truly love them. It devestates me when they say they are just five normal lads. No they are the most beautiful lads I have ever seen. They are perfection! They don't know how much they mean to us. They were our boys but now they're our men. I will never leave this fandom and I will never stop loving these boys. I can't put it into words how much they mean to me and how much i love everyone of their songs. They're song Diana made me cry because I loved it so so much. Steal my girl is one of my favorites as well I smile everytime I hear it. Hopefully this book gets to the boys They need to hear how much we love them. I love those boys so so much and that will never change!