
yall need to get it together and fix this glitch yall got going on there are a lot of  writes on here who can’t write because of the problem fix it @wattpad 


Wattpad ain’t been the same it’s glitching authors can’t write no notifications authors leaving wattpad going to another app because of it. People bringing drama on an app where you write and read on. It’s a ghost town on here 


What’s the other app?


Wattpad needs to do there job instead of taking stuff away and changing the Wattpad logo yall need to take away some of these new authors (not even authors the way stealing) who gone around stealing other people work and trying to past off as if they wrote it likeee delete there page it’s getting annoying to point a lot people are leaving this app  @wattpad 


So there a wattpad community on twitter for books and people who be promoting there work they have this weird Mf on there stealing other authors work and I find it weird and she want fuss with everybody on that app knowing she doing it. not to mention I been kick out all because I said why she steal in the community  yall are weird asf how you get mad because other readers and authors catching up to you and calling you out for stealing there work they take the time out there busy schedule and life to come on here and write girl pls go to hell seriously I can’t stand a bum hoe like be original dusty! 


No boo they didn’t @reportsbytoya 


@imjustcee_ very much teen behavior! Did they let you back in? 


It’s annoying asf because why you lying then when people come with receipts you steal want lie and have people defend they none but teens/kids on this app and it’s annoying wattpad never been like this smh a lot people told that hoe about copying the bitch still did it smh @reportsbytoya 


Girl a bish got over her writers block, thank you boo lmaooooo *laughing emoji*


Girls sameee I don't blame u 


I seen you update twice I been busy with work and college I’m get on it gotcha can we get a scene @SHEALOSTSOULL