
I have a few stories in the works but I have questions before I publish them. 1. Would you all like to receive a black woman main character, 50 shades of grey style story? I recently learned from responses to a film that black women would like to get their chance at being the lead protagonist and I’m very willing to publish it.
          	2. How do we feel about something more fantasy related? Whether it be powers, gods, or other worlds. Or do we prefer stories that are more realistic?
          	3. Do we prefer darker stories or cuter stories? (I can do both but if there’s a bigger preference for one over the other then I will post that one more)
          	4. (Not a question) I’m aware Adaeze is still not finished. I’m having the worst writer’s block for that story and also don’t want it to be too long. Please bear with me until I can find my flow again.


More black women for sure,  I personally love realistic stories.  Definitely the cute stories, in general I feel like we don’t have a lot of cutesy stories of black women. They usually seem to be on the darker side. 


@imjustvibinfr I LOVE the way you write fluff, so cute fs, but I'm really curious about how you'd go about something fantasy/mythology related


Id love to see more black women! I personally like realistic but a fantasy one from you would be amazing. Cuter fs /both 


I have a few stories in the works but I have questions before I publish them. 1. Would you all like to receive a black woman main character, 50 shades of grey style story? I recently learned from responses to a film that black women would like to get their chance at being the lead protagonist and I’m very willing to publish it.
          2. How do we feel about something more fantasy related? Whether it be powers, gods, or other worlds. Or do we prefer stories that are more realistic?
          3. Do we prefer darker stories or cuter stories? (I can do both but if there’s a bigger preference for one over the other then I will post that one more)
          4. (Not a question) I’m aware Adaeze is still not finished. I’m having the worst writer’s block for that story and also don’t want it to be too long. Please bear with me until I can find my flow again.


More black women for sure,  I personally love realistic stories.  Definitely the cute stories, in general I feel like we don’t have a lot of cutesy stories of black women. They usually seem to be on the darker side. 


@imjustvibinfr I LOVE the way you write fluff, so cute fs, but I'm really curious about how you'd go about something fantasy/mythology related


Id love to see more black women! I personally like realistic but a fantasy one from you would be amazing. Cuter fs /both 


Hii would you ever make a second book or bonus chapters to “were not crazy” ? I really wanna see thanksgiving for them 


A bonus chapter is more likely but it may take time because I’ve been experiencing terrible writer’s block


Does "bunny" have cheating from the main characters?


I lied. No good for you has cheating. But that’s it.


None of the books I have published here involve the main characters cheating


The Lucky Doberman is now live and available for purchase for Kindle on Amazon. I’ve been trying to get the paperback published but there have been some issues, when everything is in order, I will let you all know. Thank you. 


@imjustvibinfr That's okay, I can't wait to read it


@Im_w0nd3ring it will, it’s still in the works, I’m sorry for the delay


@imjustvibinfr Will it ever be avaliable on paperback?


Adaeze will end soon, it’s just a matter of figuring out how. I didn’t expect this book to go on for so long mostly because I didn’t really plan it, I just let my thumbs type. But I will end it soon because it has gotten too long for my own comfort. I just hope to do it justice.


Random, but have you tried any supernatural themes? Idk why, but I feel like you'd kill some type of siren/mermaid story


I myself am also VERY interested 


Color me VERY interested.


I’ve tried. I have a story about gods in my drafts that also may fall under the poly category. It just isn’t finished


The Lucky Doberman is now available for presale on Amazon and will be published as an e-book September 30th. It will be published in physical copies on September 21st on Amazon. On that same day it will be removed from here. If it sells well, I will also publish book 2! Thank you <3 


@imjustvibinfr Fair enough, I would do the same honestly


@Yuri_with_gojo it will be on Amazon. I don’t really want to reward the people who attacked me with rude and hateful messages by posting book 2 to them for free. I’m sorry the rest of you have to pay the price for that but I won’t deal with emotional torment for nothing.


@imjustvibinfr is book two going to be on here first or on Amazon? (Just finished book one and I’m stalking your books now)