So you're still alive then... should I be concerned?

Good, because if you don't, there will be blood spilt. * his attention had wandered from her then, having said what he needed to, a clear indication he was done with the other vampire (and really, he had been for some time. playing human was always more preferred). he didn't bother to dismiss her, an act no doubt Elijah would have pulled, always thinking himself above everyone, but that did bot mean he had to pay her any more of his attention. Downing the remnents of his shot, he rose to his feet, sliding some money under his glass and turned to stride out of the room *

@sinfulkiss [ valeria had always been torn when it came to her siblings . she both loved and loathed them , in ways that no one probably could ever understand . tristian was the oldest , and yet often enough , it was / she / who vowed to attempt to keep things as peaceful as she possibly could . her younger sister was quite the opposite . ] my siblings are my own to deal with . I’m sure the further bloodshed won’t be necessary . I’d ask that you do not kill them , simply so that I can deal with them myself . [ her eyes narrowed for a moment at his final comment , finger tapping upon the edge of the counter . though her words were not a response of threat . instead , she nodded her head . ] that / was / the point of my arrival . but fair enough . I’ll take responsibility , if it comes down to it . in the meantime , keep your head low .

* if they ended up getting themselves killed, then he certainly wouldn't shed any tears over it. He wasn't even planning on staying here all that long. New Orleans had nothing for him. The only reason he jad come down here was to check Hayley was still alive and then he was on his merry way * I appreciate the concern but I think your warning does not apply to me. Should your sister or brother decide to cross me, I will ensure they will never do so again. * this time he met her gaze, a steely look in his own eyes. Violence was not his usual go to, but that wouldn't mean he'd hesitate either * I would suggest you and your siblings be the ones to tread lightly. If you have an issue with Elijah, fine by me. But do ensure no one else gets caught in the crossfire or I will have your head.