to everyone out there that I have ever hurt I wish and hope for your forgiveness unlike the many people who have hurt me I am apologizing for my mistakes and I hope that anyone I have hurt and I hope that they can forgive me find that soft spot in your heart and forgiving me. I have said many things to people that I care about a lot and people that I would die for who mean almost everything to me. I have lost a lot over this past weak my dad my uncle and my best freinds she meant a lot yo me and I said some things that really hurt her she might not of like me at all but I loved her to death and back I would give my life for her and she knows hi she is and I truly apologize for however badly I have hurt you I try not to hurt myself anymore but its hard not to when you have noting or no one who cares for u other people say they have it bad but they can't see what she goes though look into her eyes and you can see she isn't alive same with me so please forgive me