this message may be offensive
It's sickening when parents don't realise that you are an actual separate functioning human being that goes through your own shit. It always be this, and the fact that I only have one means I'm trapped in this relationship that I didn't even sign up for. "I put a roof over your head" like bro shut the fuck up you're being too loud I'm literally trying to not have a mental breakdown. Disgusting behaviour.
@DHBurnside it's not even that I'm being smothered, I'm literally struggling and I understand that she doesn't see that but calling me rude or dramatic doesn't help at all. She keeps assuming everything is about her is so irritating.
@imogenogucci01 Sorry to see you are having trouble with your parent - totally get that when I was younger my mum smoothered me too! Head up - you'll be off doing your own thing in life sooner than you think.