
@007_destiel-dollop awe, thank you! I'm glad my silly posts on ifunny make someone smile. Keep smiling because smiles are important :) as long as you're not faking it, make sure that all your smiles are real and it'll make your day 200% brighter! 


Also your other stories are great and I know your probably long gone by now but there are a lot of pepple on this app that could use your friendly and encouraging words... including myself. I just wanna tell you that you are an amazing person from what I've read in the comments below and that you should make a come back.


You probably don't use your Wattpad anymore, but gosh golly darn I miss you. Clara (I don't know if you still go by that name or female pronouns), I love you to bits and I've just recently read through our entire conversation on this app. I was a cringey person and I can't thank you enough for talking to me. Sometimes I sit and think about that kik chat we had. All those crazy times really made me who I am today and I can't thank you enough. That was a hard time in my life, but you were one of the people who made it the best. Again, thanks and I still love you immensely. 


Hey boo! If you ever see this, it's AllonsyFez and I love you lots. I don't know how your life is going, but I've never forgotten about you and I hope you haven't forgotten me. Stay strong because I'll always believe in you. <3