
My dearly beloveds, I've decided to take a break from writing.  I've done more than I ever imagined I would at the beginning of the year, I've simply rewritten 4 of the 7 books of the "Unknown" saga, I've evolved very much! But now I've kind of hit a creative block.
          	The fifth book has always been too much for me and as much as I'm doing well mentally, I'm tired of writing four books in a row, so I'm going to take a break to do my best on this fifth book because it's the most important of the saga for my plot. I'll get back to writing again soon, I promise, but for now, I need to rest and I'm going to take advantage of my winter holidays to do so!
          	Love you all!


My dearly beloveds, I've decided to take a break from writing.  I've done more than I ever imagined I would at the beginning of the year, I've simply rewritten 4 of the 7 books of the "Unknown" saga, I've evolved very much! But now I've kind of hit a creative block.
          The fifth book has always been too much for me and as much as I'm doing well mentally, I'm tired of writing four books in a row, so I'm going to take a break to do my best on this fifth book because it's the most important of the saga for my plot. I'll get back to writing again soon, I promise, but for now, I need to rest and I'm going to take advantage of my winter holidays to do so!
          Love you all!


every once in a while i think of tori and harry and OMG my heart gets so heavy, these past few years i haven’t been able to keep up with the updating of unknown but every time i think of them i make sure to come here to read up on how you’ve been! unknown was (and im sure will be) such an amazing thing to read, it’s really what got me into reading! i can’t wait for the release of unknown once again, how have you been love! i’ve missed getting the updates of everything. hope everything is well xx


@darliyvette — Hello there, Love! I missed you! I'm doing great actually, my winter break started today and I'm writing the fifth book in the "Unknown" saga, so yeah, amazing! What about you, darling? Do tell me how you're doing!


My Loves, for God's sake, make me stop creating new characters, there's so much to change because I decided to put three more characters where there was nothing before! God, I'm so tired already and I'm still on the first chapter of the fifth book! (crying)


@junebluesfever — isn't it awful? They just keep coming to me and I'm like "Please, for the love of God, stoooop!"


I can't control myself either. I created two new characters for the last book of my series. I'm trying to limit myself


And today I'm here to tell you that I've finished, I've finished writing the fourth book in the Unknown saga! 515 pages, 37 chapters, 305,800 words, all corrected in 12 days. That's my record, the longest book written so far!
          Tomorrow (or today, perhaps), I'll start correcting the fifth book, which has always been my biggest challenge. Because it deals with sensitive subjects (and I'm going to make a point of working more in depth with several of them in this version), the fifth book has always been a sore point for me, but this year I'm in good shape mentally, and I don't think it's going to affect me as much this time...
          Yes, the fifth book is here! Are you excited?


Hella excited to read ur books. I can't wait to read ur plot and the changes u made


I think that Malfoy, when he began to doubt his beliefs and everything he was taught, would start attacking the person who made him have these doubts (in this case, my Tori), doing everything to make her feel terrible so that he could ignore what he himself was feeling... Like, "destroy the structures of the one who made me question my own", you know?
          Am I wrong to think this way?


no u are absolutely right. He would do that just to ignore his feelings and doubts 


So, do you think the fight between Ron and Harry in Goblet of Fire was needed? Because I never thought it was necessary, and now, with my new plot, it's even more unnecessary... So I'm taking it out of the story. Do you think I'm doing a mistake?


I don't think so. With the fight it just showed Ron's jealously at the attention Harry was getting. Before he was fine with it since they are friends but I guess in GOF, he got jealous with the more attention he got. Maybe he felt useless. I'm thinking of his siblings since they all have something in their lives so maybe he felt jealous or something.