
 I've written some stuff with my OC. Should I republish those, but keep it ongoing? Since schools have started I have been busy but during holidays I'll try and post <3. 
          	How would you like it if I uploaded them? Lmk <3


 I've written some stuff with my OC. Should I republish those, but keep it ongoing? Since schools have started I have been busy but during holidays I'll try and post <3. 
          How would you like it if I uploaded them? Lmk <3


Hey guys! It's been a while. I'm gonna keep this short. I reuploaded my MHA oneshots and I'm not gonna write more of those. I removed my other book (I have my reasons, I apologize.) I might reupload my OC one-shots book because I've been writing stuff with my OC. But yeah, that's it. I hope you guys are well. <33


Y'all. I know it's been a while, and this is more of a casual written announcement, but here's what I have to say.
          I have intense writer's block and I'm not really interested in MHA anymore. I'm trying to figure out what to write about, and second to that, the next few weeks for me are going to be busy. I'll do my best, but I think I'm gonna take a little bit longer of a break (hiatus) to come up with more ideas and once I'm free and big-brained, I'll write tons. 
          That's really what I have to say. I'm so sorry everyone..


Heyo guys! I hope all is well; if not, bonk to whatever's making it happen. 
          I'm going to move straight to my point. The story "Blind Eye" has been discontinued and turned into a one-shot. I wish I could continue it, but nothing has been coming to my brain, and I've been neglecting it overall, so the best thing for me to do was turn it into a one-shot and at least make it have an ending.  
          So, for now, I'm going to only focus on my One-Shots. I apologize that I haven't been posting much. I haven't gotten the time or the motivation to write. I promise I will post something soon.
          But as for now, that's from me. Again, I am sorry for those waiting for more from the story, but I just couldn't.
          As for the actual one-shot itself,  It can be found here:
          Have a lovely day/night.
          Kind Regards,
               -Problem Child


It's mah borfday today :3 I'm the birthday girl!!


@DieKeske Yoo :OOOO lets go happy belated bday to you!


            omg wait our birthdays are two days apart


Hiya guys! Hope you're well. If not, bonk to whatever did that.
          This is just a general announcement. I wanna let you guys know that my school is going to start and its gonna be even busier so back to slow updates.  My goal is to finish "Blind Eye" by the end of June at least. I plan on making that one long .
          One-shots will keep on coming when my brain gets the motivation. I don't plan on stopping that for a while. 
          Take care guys!! You're awesome!
          Kind Regards,
               Problem Child.


Hiya guys! Hope you're well. If not, bonk to whatever did that.
          This is just a general announcement. I wanna let you guys know that my school is going to start and its gonna be even busier so back to slow updates.  My goal is to finish "Blind Eye" by the end of the June at least. I plan on making that one long .
          One-shots will keep on coming when my brain gets the motivation. I don't plan on stopping that for a while. 
          Take care guys!! You're awesome!
          Kind Regards,
               Problem Child.


Hey everyone! I hope you are well! If not, bonk to whatever made that happen.
          Exciting news! The story, "Diseases, What a Struggle," now going as "A Hero of Heroes," is complete and published fully!! I'm so proud of this being my first ever fan-fiction done. I improved so much over the months. I can still remember when I wrote this as a one-shot before I had Wattpad, and look at where we are. Thank you so much for the support, everyone. I love you!
          Have a good day/night!
          Kind Regards,
               -Problem Child
          (PS: New fanfiction ideas coming in . But for now, one-shots will be dropped here and there!)




Hi lovely people!! How are you doing? Hopefully well and if not, bonk bonk to whatever made that worse :C.
          Moving on, there's a new book release!! This isn't fanfiction, but rather a Historical Fiction about the Pakistan and India Partition! I had to write this for an assignment but I'm going to extend it and yea, :3
 Read the about me~
          First chapter will be released soon~
          Kind Regards,
               -Problem Child


@ImProblemChild_  Nuh uh,
            You gotta go like


@ImProblemChild_ You're gonna bonk my motha and brotha?