Also, I really should have done this a WHIEL ago but. All the ages are bummed up three years. So, the main cast is not 14 but 17, which fits the themes a bit more comfortably :')
Also, I really should have done this a WHIEL ago but. All the ages are bummed up three years. So, the main cast is not 14 but 17, which fits the themes a bit more comfortably :')
hello everyone. As you all know I have a book called 'angel's journal' that is intertwined with 'Forever cursed' so for now I will only be posting Angel's journal until I get up to speed with the timeline. Also, I am getting my drawing app set up so I will now be having drawings of all the creatures and gods\goddesses to share! And I hope to be back in posting daylily for angel's journal Thank you have an amazing day\Night\afternoon. Bye!!!!!!!!!!
Hello, I will not be posting tomorrow, because I want to work on more chapters for Forever cursed. I might get three or so chapter rewritten by Saturday. Thank you can see you Saturday!