
Hey so I think I’m going to delete this account. I just need to start fresh and if you know me and you wanna know my new account, feel free to ask, but I’m not sure if I wanna use this account anymore or continue any of my works. I’ll be working in the next day to write and finish any unfinished stories and everything but yeah that’s all. Farewell guys. Have a great summer.
          	Asher out


Hey so I think I’m going to delete this account. I just need to start fresh and if you know me and you wanna know my new account, feel free to ask, but I’m not sure if I wanna use this account anymore or continue any of my works. I’ll be working in the next day to write and finish any unfinished stories and everything but yeah that’s all. Farewell guys. Have a great summer.
          Asher out


Happy pride month all of you gays. Perfect time to find your person and if you found them already, celebrate that <3 this post is also dedicated to my amazing girlfriend who I’ve been with for over a month now and am so happy with. She’s amazing.
          Now go be gay and if anyone hates on you, they legally can’t due to the fact that it’s pride month!!! BE GAY!!


@imscaredofheights happy pride! And happy for u :]


this message may be offensive
To the one person who just left me when I needed them.
          This is not “in another universe” or “we’ll meet again” shit. This isn’t us being soulmates. I’m starting to see it now
          This is us trying to make something work that was never meant to be. We were never meant to be. We weren’t meant to last and the whole universe knows that. We weren’t meant to last until the end. 
          Like you said, there’s the theory where there are infinite universes and in at least one of them, we don’t meet. So maybe that was supposed to be this universe. Maybe in the end we were supposed to hate each other or not remember each other. Maybe we weren’t soulmates and we were just two lonely people who wanted to love someone but just needed to love ourselves.
          We weren’t meant to be.
          We weren’t meant to last.
          Nothing is fully meant to be.
          Nothing is fully meant to last.
          You and me aren’t going to be forever or always.
          And I’ve accepted that.
          So not in another universe 
          Not at another time in life
          It is not meant to be so don’t try to act like it is.
          I loved you, yes, but I can’t rewrite what’s already happened or fix anything. You’re the one who chose to stop talking when I still needed you and I can’t sit and hope that we will be something further down the line. It’s over. I’ve accepted it. Why don’t you?
          So this is my proper goodbye. I hope you find someone that you don’t push away this time.
          Goodbye Blu


Had a dream they texted me. Cried when I woke up. Realized my ed is getting worse. Life is going downhill a lot.


@0liverz_ I’m sorry ive been distancing myself from everyone and pretty much deleted discord. Haven’t been doing the best


this message may be offensive
            You don't talk to me anymore. I'm afraid I'm doing shit wrong.


i hope you get better


Hey has anyone heard from @guyslistenitsnot_me ??


            Sadly not
            But I'll keep on at it I'll let you know if and when I hear from them


@CaramelMochaCoffee thank you. They haven’t texted me in over two weeks and I’ve been overthinking it way too much to the point where I texted one of their irl friends though I haven’t heard anything back from them