Hi, we'd be so thankful if you check out our story and give your opinion on it. It's not finished yet so we'll appreciate it so much if you keep following the storyline. Thanks! Have an amazing day!
Amonet ⭐
Did I just read ‘show me your scars’ in one sitting?yes.do I regret it?no never that was one of the best books I have read in a while.keep up the work❤️
Heyyyyyy I'm here one of your favorite readers soooooo I have a question me and another person are planning to kill jasmine's dad but the thing is ......... he's fictional. Soooo I was wondering if you could add an extra chapter in the book where we get to kill him all the details are in the comment section and it would be amazing if u could do this it would be amazing!!! So I hope u can get back to us soon! Byee
@EmilyPilarowski Hai. I would love to write the extra chapter but I have so much things to write and update at the moment. When I do have the chance I'll try to write it, and plus I think it would be a hilarious scene.