so my playstation has the pride background, right. me and my mom were gonna watch a movie on it and she was like “why do have a gay background?” and i had to lie and say i just liked the colors. but then she goes, “good, cause you aren’t allowed to be lesbian.” i’m pan and like—???

@TheSeaSpider my mom is really sweet and all, but her and my dad do NOT do good with a different type of sexuality or mental health things. she tells me stories about what happens at her job, and there was this one about someone who was self-harming, and she said “yeah what a loser, i don’t get how he feels like that.” and i lowkey got really triggered and just kinda sat there and said “yeah”

@imstillaclown Yo, I get it. My grandma's super homophobic. Personally, I'm ace. When I asked her about asexuality, she said it was okay then went on this rant about how the bible says only a man and woman can be together and I was trying so dAMN HARD NOT TO PUNCH HER IN THE FACE.