
why is a grown ass woman making me cry like wtf is your problem. she yelled at me for getting frustrated because of her awful coaching and i was already about to cry and the she yelled “why are you crying” in such an aggressive tone at me like wtf. THEN she said it’s simple and explains in the same words what she was explaining before which didn’t make any sense at all.


why is a grown ass woman making me cry like wtf is your problem. she yelled at me for getting frustrated because of her awful coaching and i was already about to cry and the she yelled “why are you crying” in such an aggressive tone at me like wtf. THEN she said it’s simple and explains in the same words what she was explaining before which didn’t make any sense at all.


something about me is i would really love to have an amazing relationship with my family like my mom and my sister do but i’m also really scared because i over share and i’m scared that i will say something that will be something they will feel bad for me for or just have a bad reaction. i’m scared that i will say something that i think is funny and there will be no reaction. i’m scared they won’t like me for being me. i also wish that we lived closer to everyone so that i saw them more when i was younger so it was more of a natural thing but obviously that didn’t happen. i don’t have the confidence to do any of that so i’m so jealous of the amazing relationships everyone else has with each other. it’s exhausting. 
          (this is where i pour out my feelings because therapists/counselors scare me and i don’t talk to them)


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ok i know i’m a bit late but anyway. i fucking hate america. so you are telling me a 12 year old isn’t old enough to vote but they are old enough to give birth. what the actual fuck. miscarriage is a criminal act? i have less rights then my mother and her mother before her had. this is against my first amendment people. but you are too worried about your second amendment being taken away that you don’t care about mine. you care more about an unborn fetus then children targeted by mass shootings, children in foster care, etc. i just can’t and will never understand.


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ya know i was gonna go to the pride parade in my town tomorrow but because of the stupid fucking people who like to have guns and shoot people i fucking can’t because that would be a place of interest. i want to show my support to my fellow lgbtq people in public for the first time but we don’t have a law restricting guns in the U.S. so…


a year ago today. she’s been gone for a year. i still don’t understand. i will never say goodbye because this isn’t a goodbye situation. i miss her so much. the world is so cruel. i hate the people who did this to her. i won’t see her again because of them. remember to be kind always. Kindness Always To Everyone 


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ok why would someone fucking accuse someone of sa with literally no proof, future dates and her story ain’t straight. if that’s you and you see this fuck off stop trying to ruin someone’s career because you are a jealous little bitch.