
Hi guys! Long time no write :( but Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had an amazing day and if not, make it better by just having good vibes. End the year right(: I’ve posted my new story as my Christmas gift to you lovely amazing people and I will try to post as frequently as possible! Make sure you check it out and have a great night xx


Hi guys! Long time no write :( but Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had an amazing day and if not, make it better by just having good vibes. End the year right(: I’ve posted my new story as my Christmas gift to you lovely amazing people and I will try to post as frequently as possible! Make sure you check it out and have a great night xx


Hey Love Birds, 
          I Was Thinking About Writing Another Story Since I Just Got A Laptop Again, Please Let Me Know If You’d Be Interested In Reading It. I Got Lucky With ‘Pleasure’ But Maybe You Guys Will Enjoy Some Of My Other Work As Well. I’m Open For Suggestions And Comments. Much Love XX


I loved pleasure and really want to know what happens after the epilogue 


I loooooooooved the book “pleasure” !!!!!!


@imxxkayla of course we would love to read another book from you.


Hey! So I was just reading pleasure and... well it’s been a pleasure lol. can.not WAIT for an update or like 20  I looovvvveee Jacob and Aria! You’re a good writer writing a good story. You have a ton of people wanting more, good for you girl! I need the rest of this story in my life! Can’t believe I just finished it.. I’m not crying, you’re crying  


Why am i just now reading this? lol tysm lovely, i really appreciate this. it honestly made my morning. i’m probably going to write another story but i’ll draft some chapters before i post one! i’m glad you enjoyed my book(: 
            -i’m definitely crying w you haha


 i appreciate this comment so much :’) i hope you enjoyed the ending, thank you love


Can’t wait for you to update pleasure it’s a really good book hopefully you will be able to update soon can’t wait.


Awe(: much love xx, it’s been rough but I’ve been trying to access my last chapter so I can post it! Keep a look out though, I’ll probably post it within the next few days!


Hi there congrats on the baby. Please when u have time and there is no rush but update pleasure. I love your story it’s been helping me read u see I have dislexia and it’s been rough and it makes me picky about the books I read and I love your book and I’m now able to write proper sentences and be able to read a paragraph without the words moving and your book as been helping me. Thank you for the book as well. Hope u get to write soon. 


Omg thank you(: that made my day. I didn’t think my stories were that good but I truly do appreciate it and I’m so glad I could help you out love! I’ll be updating within the next few days!


Announcement to those reading my stories;
          I will not be posting for a bit, I had my baby and I definitely don't have time to write like I used to. I will still try to finish Pleasure for everyone seeing as that's one of my most popular stories. Thank you for being understanding.


To all those who are currently waiting for Pleasure;
          I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm a full time student as well as a full time worker, so I never have time to post anything anymore. I'm trying to update this weekend, but the story will be ending soon. I'm not sure if i will make another one, but I will definitely try. Thanks for understanding.