@diamondkelly thank you so much for commeting and liking :) im going to dedicate the chapter to you, because you are the one fan that always comments and likes <3 thank you so much :)
@diamondkelly thank you so much for commeting and liking :) im going to dedicate the chapter to you, because you are the one fan that always comments and likes <3 thank you so much :)
@diamondkelly im working on another chapter right now. im sorry it has taken so long. i just finished moving back to germany
thank you for caring about my story <3
@in_love_with_1D Excuse to reply just know but i just read your story (yes it work... we can read it ) and I fall completely in love with your story <3 You're a very good written :) I love your story ..... Can you write the suite !??? pleaseee <3
my profile says that my story is no longer available! please telll me if you guys can read the new chapter! im so desperate right now! i would die if you cant! i worked so hard on it! please tell me you can read it! i dont wanna lose all my votes and comments from you guys!
I changed my name guys. It used to be cheekylittlemonkey14 but it is now in_love_with_1D. Just so you know and dont think you fanned a random person. xD
I am so sorry guys. I wrote a whole chapter and i it was really long (like 5 parts) and i finished it tonight but then before i got to save it my computer like spazzed and died and i lost the whole chapter, so I am working on that right now and will try to get it to you as soon as possible:) please dont give up on me xx