
guess who's back with the rest of Searching and two other new fanfics? Yes that's right this girl is!! So really sorry for abandoning wattpad for I think 3 months things got a little hectic in my life (school, friends, boys and drivers ed) but I am back and ready to finish Searching and introduce my two new stories In The End which is a Harry fanfic and Adrenaline Rush a Niall fanfic. Sadly when I abandoned wattpad I never got to finish writing Searching so that will be my top priority!! I should begin publishing In The End when I finish prewriting at least 20-25 chapters and I am currently on 15. Adrenaline Rush will take some time because just a few hours ago I began writing it haha. Anyways I can't wait to share my stories with you all (especially In The End because I feel like it is way better storyline than Searching and I finally learned how to write a lot better compared to Searching)
          	Well peace out followers!!!


guess who's back with the rest of Searching and two other new fanfics? Yes that's right this girl is!! So really sorry for abandoning wattpad for I think 3 months things got a little hectic in my life (school, friends, boys and drivers ed) but I am back and ready to finish Searching and introduce my two new stories In The End which is a Harry fanfic and Adrenaline Rush a Niall fanfic. Sadly when I abandoned wattpad I never got to finish writing Searching so that will be my top priority!! I should begin publishing In The End when I finish prewriting at least 20-25 chapters and I am currently on 15. Adrenaline Rush will take some time because just a few hours ago I began writing it haha. Anyways I can't wait to share my stories with you all (especially In The End because I feel like it is way better storyline than Searching and I finally learned how to write a lot better compared to Searching)
          Well peace out followers!!!


Important stuff peeps!! So I decided to change Searching to a short story, don't get me wrong I love the characters and the story it's just getting a little harder to write and come up with ideas. I still have about five to seven chapters to post so don't worry it doesn't end on chapter 15! Recently I have started writing a Harry fanfic that I am absolutely in love with!! Of course it takes place in the summer and it also involves surfing too! I have actually pre written the first 20 chapters in a week so at this point I should start publishing it once I hit chapter 30 or 35!! Speaking of the fanfic I have kinda wanted to start a series beginning with my Harry fanfic but the series would be centered around extreme sports (Sounds cheesy and a little dumb but hey everyone needs a little something different in their lives) For the series I have actually already picked out the sports the guy will be participating in like Louis is a skateboarder, Zayn is a motocross racer, Liam is a snowboarder and Niall is a drag racer. Let me know what ya'll think about my idea btw please don't steal this idea!! I have put a lot into my Harry fanfic and I have basically already planned out all the other ones, please and thank you!!
          Love you all so much and pretty please give me some feedback on this idea!!
          P.S. Sorry for using to many exclamation marks, I am just really excited to be telling you all about this (-:


Important shiz! Okay so I think I am just going to make Searching a short story, not only am I getting bored with it but, the ending is coming really close and I have already written all the chapters up to 20 so I might just finish the story at 25 chapters. On the other hand I started writing a Harry fanfic about two weeks ago and I have already written twenty chapters for it too!  Anyways I was thinking about doing a extreme sports series (I know sounds kind of dumb but whatevs) in  my Harry fanfic I am writing right now, Harry is a surfer. I've already made up stories for the rest of the guys like Louis skates, Niall drag races, Zayn does motocross and Liam is a surfboarder. I just thought it might be fun to do a series soooo yeah! (BTW I am in love with my Harry fanfic rn and I will probably publish it once I pre write the first 30 chapters, so be on the look out for that!) Well peace out ya'll!!


Love all my readers and followers so much!! We can get through this, I know it's hard and we all love the boys but, all we can do is pray that things don't go down from here. 5 years is a long time to be in a band and I'm glad that I got to be apart of the five years Zayn was with us!! Yes I know it won't be the same but, I can only be supportive of Zayn and his decision!