Hi dilaws! ⭐️ It's me, Inara!. Meron po akong bagong mga istoria para sainyo, alam ko sa iba sa inyo ay hinde mahilig sa Greek Myths, pero magpapabasa din ako sa inyo ng Philippine History!, pangako. Hehe.. (Translation (english): I have new stories for you guys, and I know that some of you don't like Greek Myths, but I promise that I'll let you guys read some Philippine History!. Promisee!, heehe..) (TRANSLATION (GREEK): Έχω νέες ιστορίες για εσάς και ξέρω ότι σε κάποιους από εσάς δεν αρέσουν οι ελληνικοί μύθοι, αλλά υπόσχομαι ότι θα σας αφήσω να διαβάσετε λίγη ιστορία των Φιλιππίνων!. Υπόσχεση!, χεχε..) Thank you! Here's my new Greek myth stories and the ones I will put on hold. GREEK MYTHS: Sereia: Celestial Tides Days of Blades and Lies STORIES AT HOLD: n , . ❀ Great regards, Inara Jackson ⭐️

@inarawaveryjackson, the stories at hold are: Por favor, no dejes que te suelte a ti también Making You Mine