@_Axiom_ dont just pick up fights.. also post inappropriate stuffs on threads. that's how I got warned by a mod.
i shall support you on your awesome resolution. :D go bff!!
@_Axiom_ you just need to be more badass bff.. i'm sure you're gonna get your strike eventually xD uh.. strike is like a major warning of some sort.. three strikes then you get suspended or something.
@_Axiom_ let's really fucking do this!! i always wanted to get fucking suspended. the closest i got to it was just a fucking warning. not even a fucking strike.
@_Axiom_ of course you do ;)
yeah. happens all the time and it sucks.
i shall join you in making fucking comments fucking offensive. because we be fucking cool and awesome. B)
@_Axiom_ you are. that's why we're best friends xD we both be cool and awesome.
and lol. that happens to me every fucking time.
(yeah Wattpad, i know it already. my comment is offensive)