I don't know exactly how announcements work (like who can see them). But this seemed like the best place to ask. So sorry I've been awol. I've had a lot of life stuff that has kept me from writing much at all. I'm also positively stuck writing this one particular BALH2 chapter - it's been on the burner for months now. For all the really kind folks who have read/are interested to read my BALH2 stuff, should I push through and update? Or have you all collectively moved on and are watching season 3 and enjoying yourselves (I just recently caught a few scenes from the latest episodes, and it seems way more fun!). Or maybe you're content with all the other fantastic BALH2 stuff that's already out there. Either way, I'm happy to take the L on that last unfinished piece and close this work. Let me know what you guys would prefer as an audience(if you are able to read this!).