Hey there everyone!
So, I have obviously been absent from the writing scene, that's a given. I wasn't in the right place, and I had no inspiration.
Now I do.
I have an almost 3000 word first chapter of a thing I'm working on and a multitude of other documents that have something to do with this book I'm planning. When I get farther ahead in it and I'm sure that I will stick with it, perhaps I'll post it.
Right now, I'm looking for an editor/beta reader.
Something to give me constructive criticism and present ideas and other things to me. You would most definitely be credited if I publish it onto here, not even a question in my mind. I'm also looking for a friend, someone to complain to when things go wrong in my personal life. I'd share with you every single document relating to this book (possibly series, not that far yet) and ask for a lot of input. Also, someone with impeccable grammar because mine IS NOT. I'm going into eighth grade in the fall, I am literally 13. I know that my grammar is above average for my age, but it's definitely not perfect.
They'd have to be dedicated, I obviously don't expect immediate response but rather within 12-18 hours unless there's something personal going on in their life, which I would appreciate if they would give a heads up on those sorts of things.
I'm also willing to be a beta reader/editor/confidante for anyone else! I have two days of school left, so I'll have a lot of free time on my hands. I'm trying to consume it with massive amounts of writing whoops.
PM if interested, or if you just want to talk!
- Jadeeeeeeee