hi guys my second project was published with the title 'the bad boy still have the heart' and i wish u for read that and give me a vomment (if you love it, of course) but i wish always you'll lpve it :)) thanks before :)
Hello ^^
Mampir ke workku yuk. Judulnya 'The Princess and the Wolf Monster' dan cerita terbaru 'My Love Journey'.
Butuh saran dan pendapat darimu :) tinggalkan jejakmu disana ya...
Terima kasih
Baru ngeh kalo kamu ganti nama(?), padahal sering baca karya kamu dulu-dulu xD Kalau ada waktu, baca ceritaku ya~ Saran dan kritik boleh banget! Makasih ya. Tetap semangat!
hi guys my second project was published with the title 'the bad boy still have the heart' and i wish u for read that and give me a vomment (if you love it, of course) but i wish always you'll lpve it :)) thanks before :)