
This is a much needed announcement but it's been so long since I last stepped foot into Wattpad territory that I'm not sure if everyone forgot about me or has been waiting hand on foot for an update! I understand I've been gone far too long, and definitely will begin writing again. College has been hectic BUT summer is right around the corner and with that comes days off that I used to dedicate towards classes! Hopefully I didn't lose everyone in the process of my disappearing, and I hope you'll continue to stick around.


@indigoshire Please come back. because your da best.


@indigoshire you should come back, I love your stories


Hello! I hope you're doing well. My account is dedicated to the translation of English history into French, in order to share your talent in French. I'd be very interested in working on your story 'The Walking Dead', if you feel like it, you'll obviously have an identification on each episode. Looking forward to your feedback, which I hope will be positive. Have a nice day to you <3


Loved your fanfiction !My new addiction! Ha,I'm a poet and you can quote it; ) Ya,I'm a dork...anyways....would you mind checking out my book?There is one one chapter but critic would be awesome to direct me the right direction :)Its called "Survivor" much appreciated; )