
kalian tau ga sih kenapa aku superduper up hari ini soalnya mau aja siapa tau nanti ga pegang hp wkwk jadi harus begadang poll,klo bolh jujursih selama aku ngongsi bareng emakku aku jadi sering begadang,karna disitulah hp ini tidak dipake


Permisi ijin promosi, bila tidak berkenan silahkan dihapus. 

          Ayo mampir ke ceritaku, this is NoMin! Dijamin bakal suka. Jangan lupa vote dan berikan komentar mu ya! Thankies!


wih nomin nih boleh jugaa


yeahh nomin kebetulan aku juga lagi nyari 


buat orang yang ada disana,apapun agensi itu,
          : happy new year!!
          Let me open my voice this time, thank you in advance to everyone who has come for me in the last year, you are truly very valuable figures to me.not only from the GMMTV agency, but from all agencies, Nadao Bangkok (yeah I miss you guys) and also other agencies like Wabisabi,From the bottom of my heart I say this, thank you and sorry, thank you for being there and sorry for not being the best.
          Thank you all, you are the best figures in my life, really...
           You are the ones who always accompany me all the time, thank you once again, I love you all
