Just a quick note: For the PruCan I'm kinda changing it up...A LOT. Now I didn't plan on changing it at all, or plan on it turning out how it will. The thing is *cough* I might have lost the other chapters and I might have forgotten what the original story line was. MIGHT HAVE. But this has nothing to do with the change of story line at all, nope. >////< I'm going to change it up, now it is going to be serious. I didn't plan on making my first fanfiction a serious one, but it is. Not to mention it's kinda going to be depressing now, it'll still be PruCan, but sad. There will also be a splash of GerIta in there. War stuff, too. So yeah. Just a quick warning for you guys ^w^ Sorry that I'm a horrible author and can't keep track of things, I mean make up my mind. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it all the same, yeah. :D That is all.