
          	No one ever comments on these updates, but it would be appreciated if you could take the time to on this one.
          	I’m thinking of discontinuing all, or most of my stories. I haven’t been feeling motivated for a while, I have a full time job and I’m not that into the stories I have been writing, or had been writing. 
          	I have just kept on writing them so I didn’t let you all down.
          	However, if you all would like, I can make some quick ending, maybe. I don’t want you all to be annoyed with me, but I also am not enjoying writing any of my existing stories.
          	I’m so sorry.
          	Please comment and tell me what you would want. Again, sorry.


Do whatever is best for you ❤️


Do What you want and what makes you feel good mentally and physically. I get it, the stress of updating gets to you. Don’t stress to much about this and do what you need <3 


          No one ever comments on these updates, but it would be appreciated if you could take the time to on this one.
          I’m thinking of discontinuing all, or most of my stories. I haven’t been feeling motivated for a while, I have a full time job and I’m not that into the stories I have been writing, or had been writing. 
          I have just kept on writing them so I didn’t let you all down.
          However, if you all would like, I can make some quick ending, maybe. I don’t want you all to be annoyed with me, but I also am not enjoying writing any of my existing stories.
          I’m so sorry.
          Please comment and tell me what you would want. Again, sorry.


Do whatever is best for you ❤️


Do What you want and what makes you feel good mentally and physically. I get it, the stress of updating gets to you. Don’t stress to much about this and do what you need <3 


          not gonna promise anything cause you all know how i never keep them. buttttt i’m gonna try to update at least one story a week.
          depending on how busy i am with work and if i can be bothered will determine if i post at least one, or none, or more then one.
          so yeah.
          but votes and comments do make me feel like posting more. so keep them up. :) 
          okay bye. 


Honestly, as you all probably have gathered, I am completely and utterly terrible at updating. It is not at all because I won’t love to be writing them for you amazing readers, but because I am coming to the end of my schooling and need 100% of my attention on that at the moment. 
          After the next two weeks, I will have complete the majority of my final exams. I am hoping after they have been finished, I will be able to update more you all of you (one book in particular - 2199 Days - desperately needed updating).
          So if you could just bare with me a while longer, stories will be continued.
          Sorry and thank you for sticking by this long :)


So year twelve, pretty crappy. School has been taking up a bunch of my time and I try my hardest to update as much as I can. 
          Stories I will be updating this week -
          •2199 days
          •peripeteia // thomas sangster x reader 
          •trouvaille // thomas sangster x reader
          •message me // the delinquents 
          Holidays are coming up soon, so hopefully that with give me more time to write, if I do not have to much study
          Leave a reply telling me what story you most want updated so I know which people most prefer, thanks xxx