
Heyy dear


@yours__priya this previous week was rough for me and my country. Like I said in my announcement before,no Internet and the unrest situation ... thankfully its somewhat reduced now


In this past week, I had some time to read my old stories . And I finally decided to publish them again (obviously with the encouragement of @Chaotic_Swan) .
          Will publish my old stories soon (once net is back fully. Its so slow now)
          This past week was ... let's say different? I don't know. 


@ineedsomesleeptoday thank you for coming back!! Missed you!! Please dont leave ....glad you are okay after the unrest situation in your country 


To all the people who were worried about me after my last announcement-
          Alhamdulillah , I am fine. We had no Internet for 6 days so I couldn't notify you all about my whereabouts 


@ineedsomesleeptoday Hi, is everything okay now?


Hey everyone! Sorry to be messaging on here but I have no other way to contact people on here.
          I NEED HELP AND FEEDBACK! I am currently embarking on my fourth attempt to write my debut novel, at the age of sixteen. And I could really use some feedback. The first eight chapters of my first draft are available here and I would love to hear your thoughts. I would be more than happy and interested to read any of your work and provide feedback as well. You can contact me here on Wattpadd or on my email, , please be brutally honest with your feedback, positive or negative I need it all,
          Thank you for your time!



With a heavy heart, I am finally announcing that I am leaving this platform. It has been an wonderful journey. Thanks for everything.
          I wanted to delete my accounts but then I realised that I have already participated in many awards. Some of them are in judging phases.
          If I suddenly delete my account now, the hosts will be in trouble. So, the account will be here for now.
          Once again, thanks for everything.


@ineedsomesleeptoday - Nuts. Just when I discovered you through a contest... Hopefully I'll get to your books before you remove them. BTW, from what I have seen, your graphics are AMAZING. I have been drooling over them. (I am another untrained graphic artist, btw)


Saddest news ever! But I understand...will miss you so much!!!


I have been thinking about something from last month.
          I think I want to leave this app. Nowadays, I don't even like reading. I don't know why actually..
          I don't know whether I will leave permanently or temporarily.
          Just wanted to tell eveyone this beforehand. In case, I disappear from this app suddenly.
          You can still find me in other places


@ineedsomesleeptoday dont. Dont right if you cant but leaving is no solution either 


@NayantaraHK thanks. Actually, too many things are going on and I am  bit overwhelmed that's all.


@ineedsomesleeptoday I would rather you dont go...just FYI