


Okay, no joke, I’m about to piss myself because I just heard an echo of what sounded like someone choking in a painful way and I’m not feeling it rn. If I die, suspend my dead body from the ceiling to display it at my funeral and give each of my friends a cremated organ of their choice.... or limb, either’s fine. 


this message may be offensive
I'm in one of those moods when you know the world fucking sucks but you just do nothing about it and just kinda lay there like 'damn'. Then someone will ask if you're ok and you'll freak out and say something like 'Opaque' because you didn't expect anyone to care...
          I'm sorry


I'm not dead!!
          Not many people at all read let alone respond to my message boards but I'm putting this up anyway. 
          I just want to ask you guys what sort of books I should write because I've been doing some experiments and I really enjoy writing these sorts of books;
          Personal Blogs
          Diary types
          QnA books
          I just enjoy audience participation books and books that have more of a story line because they original creations and are a lot easier to create.
          This does not mean I will be ending any of my fanficions soon, I'm just going to be abandoning a few and rewriting the ones that I feel deserve the attention. 
          So let me know what sort of book you want to see me write!


@FandomGurl4Life Q and A books and personal blogs look cool! 


@FandomGurl4Life QnA books or Diary types. I can't decide. I love both ideas! ♥