
Most of you are probably asleep, unless you don't live in America lol. But… yeah. I decided to take up writing again. Before you get excited, it's NOT Troyler. Really really sorry. If you don't wanna read it for that reason I don't blame you bc you followed for the Troyler. But if you might be interested, please give it a chance. It's an idea I've been developing for a really long time and I think I finally shaped it into something I like and I think my readers will like. I tried my best not to make it cheesy, but yanno, I'm only 17, not a professional writer. I've got the prologue up, but prologues are always a little boring and confusing so I'll probably put up chapter one tomorrow. I think it'll be really cool and if you liked Nothing But Trouble, you'll love the Clairvoyant Series! If not, It's ok, I still love you all. See you soon 


babe you're back


Most of you are probably asleep, unless you don't live in America lol. But… yeah. I decided to take up writing again. Before you get excited, it's NOT Troyler. Really really sorry. If you don't wanna read it for that reason I don't blame you bc you followed for the Troyler. But if you might be interested, please give it a chance. It's an idea I've been developing for a really long time and I think I finally shaped it into something I like and I think my readers will like. I tried my best not to make it cheesy, but yanno, I'm only 17, not a professional writer. I've got the prologue up, but prologues are always a little boring and confusing so I'll probably put up chapter one tomorrow. I think it'll be really cool and if you liked Nothing But Trouble, you'll love the Clairvoyant Series! If not, It's ok, I still love you all. See you soon 


babe you're back


What would happen if you tried to make a new account and posted the stories there but didn't say your name? We'd know the stories but I'm not sure if the people u know irl would. Just a thought, ur the writer tho xx


To be honest, I completely deleted my old stories. I kind of regret it now, but it was done in a moment of blind panic. Some of them had pretty steamy scenes, especially give me shelter. Thanks for the encouragement tho


Idk if you guys would be interested in this at all, I know most of you are Troyler fans. But I was thinking about posting an original work on here. Would anyone give it a try if I did?
          PS: I'm sorry I took my old stories down. Someone in my personal life found this account and told everyone I know about it and I couldn't find any other option to deal with it than to take them down. NBT is way too special to me to delete because it's the first work I've ever worked so long and so hard on and actually finished. It's not too explicit, so I left it up. Hope y'all can forgive me


Honestly do it I love your writing (ps do I need to fight someone bc I will)


I say go for it. Plus, that person that told everyone is a jerk.


If you see it could you put Give Me Shelter back up? It's an amazing book and the intro of it is so captivating. You don't have to finish it of course, but could you leave it up? I hope life is going good for you! Xoxo


Oh! That's horrible. Thanks for replying 


Hi! Thanks for reading but I took everything down bc someone found this account and told everyone I know about it and I had no other choice. I couldn't even repost the stories and tell you guys without someone I know seeing it. Sorry! XOXO


Sorry I took so long to respond. I guess I just didn't know what to say. There are actually a few reasons I deactivated this acc. I explained one in a message a few days ago, but I also just got so lonely when all my friends on here from back in the day just started disappearing one by one. I felt kind of stupid for getting so attached to them (although I do still love them v much). Like I said, I might start posting some original works on this acc, but no more Troyler. If that's cool with you, I'd love you to read them. If it makes you feel too lonely, I won't judge you for unfollowing me and not reading them. I am so glad I had the experiences here with the people that I did, they helped to shape my personality and guide me through a tough part of my life. Thank you so much for your appreciation, Lily <3


I know you have no interest in finishing the works on here, but, and of course you're welcome to say no, would you consider putting Give Me Shelter back up? Just so we can read it and keep it? I know we won't get any new chapters, but I really did enjoy what was already  written. Hope your life is going well! Much love!


Sorry, I couldn't even if I wanted to. But thanks so much for asking so considerately and for being such a dedicated reader XOXO


hi i've just finished reading "nothing but trouble" and "into the wind", i just wanted to say that i really really love the story and plot line of both stories (i know that into the wind is a sequel and that the plot line from nothing but trouble has just progressed into a new set of conflicts). i really love the stories and i don't know why you've stopped writing/updating, this message isn't with the intention of pushing you to write/update. i just wanted you to know that i loved them and although i would love if it was updated, if you don't want to continue/finish it that i won't be mad. not that you'd care if i was angry. i don't know, i feel like a lot of people send messages with the intention of pushing authors to update and everyone deserves a message knowing that their work is amazing regardless of updating.


have you deleted 'into the wind'? because I just finished 'NBT' and it was so good?! I was just wondering if it's still up somewhere as you've only got one work on here now :/ xx


Thanks :) Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be finishing any of my works here. But it means a whole lot to me that you enjoyed my writing that much. Even though I don't ship troyler anymore, nbt will always hold a sacred place in my heart because I put so much effort and time into it. So your comment made me smile