
So thankful to be longlisted again in this year's Open Novella Contest! Congrats as well to everyone's who entered thus far, longlister or not :)


Hey, it's almost NaNoWriMo season! I know I've been dead for a long time (whoops), but I'm back and ready to hit the floor running. In fact, I just published the novel I'll be working on this November (so you guys better shame me if I don't succeed). Who else is planning on participating in NaNoWriMo this year? What are your projects about?


@Waterdragon23 Well, you still have a few days to figure it out! I believe in you


@infIorescent I will be taking part of NANO this year. I have no clue what I will be writing this time.


Hey everyone! I know it’s been awhile since I’ve updated, and I’m really sorry about that. Originally, I planned on becoming more active after my final exams. Clearly, that hasn’t happened, seeing as my exams were in mid-June. I’ve been really busy with traveling and other activities (art classes, peer ambassadorship, etc), and once I’m out of the writing groove it’s really hard to get back in. Again, I’m so sorry for not posting anything for such a long time, but I promise I’ll be returning soon. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Love and appreciate you guys 


Congrats to everyone who's made it to the shortlist of the Open Novella Contest! Unfortunately, Girls of a Feather did not move on, but I'm very thankful for the opportunity this contest gave me. I still can't believe I even made it to the longlist, especially since I was just one 15-year-old competing amongst other teens and adults from all over the world  <3
          I know it's been a while since I've updated What the Morning Brings, and I apologize. I've been focusing on art a lot lately, so I've kind of been neglecting writing. Once you're out of the writing groove, it's hard to just jump back in (especially since I was writing GOAF, so I hardly even remember where I left off in WTMB ^^" ), but I'm going to try and start editing/writing new chapters soon <3


Hey everyone! Do any of you have any recommendations for obscure/lesser-known fairytales, myths, etc? They can be from anywhere in the world!
          Here are some examples of what I mean by a lesser-known fairytale:
          - Jorinda and Joringel 
          - The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter
          - Swan Maidens
          - Vasilisa the Fair


@infIorescent I wrote about Kannon Bosatsu(Japanese mythology) in my Open Novella book, A Diary's Essence. You can check it out :)