
We just hit 200k reads on Morning Coffee :’) Wow thank you so much for all the support and for giving my story a chance! I hope you like whatever comes next just as much, if not more! ❤️


Hey everyone! 
          I didn't just post my new story (sorry!) but I did just post a love letter called Head Over Heart, inspired by To All The Boys I've Loved Before! I hope that this very short "story" will be enjoyable for you all while I continue to write my next story :) 
          Thanks again for your continued support of my other stories and I hope that you'll also support this brief one as well! 
          If you'd like to check out this letter/story, click here:


Hi all! It's been quite some time, hasn't it? I just wanted to drop in and give you guys an update on what's going on:
          1. Thank you so much for your continued support of Morning Coffee (and even her much less desirable sister, Things Left Unsaid). It means so much to me that some of you are reading, have read, or are re-reading the story. I especially appreciate your wonderful comments and messages - I read them all! Some of them are so encouraging and push me even harder to get my next story done :)
          2. I also wanted to let you guys know that I am slowly but surely starting to work on my next story. I had a general idea for what I wanted the story to be about even as I was writing Morning Coffee, but I've been meaning to flush out the details (school, however, got in the way). Lately, I've been working on making a very thorough mapping of the story and I just started to write a very small part of the first chapter.
          3. I don't intend on posting any part of the new story until I have at LEAST 5-10 chapters written, if not all of them (when this will be, I have no idea). This is simply so that once I start posting, I can have a more consistent schedule and not leave you all hanging/wondering when I'll update next. I will, however, post a blurb for the story (in Morning Coffee and maybe in Things Left Unsaid) once I finalize my story-mapping. 
          I just wanted to let you guys know that I appreciate each and every one of you so much! Thank you for being so patient - I know it's been a long time but I just really want to make this next story my best work yet! I love you all and I hope you'll stick around for the next story :)
          Until next time,


100K reads and almost 4K votes on Morning Coffee! That's insane! 
          Thank you all so much for supporting the story :) it means the absolute world to me ❤


@infallibles wow, congrats to you!


That's it, folks! The twenty-sixth and FINAL chapter of Morning Coffee is now out! 
          If you enjoy the chapter, please vote, comment, and/or share the story with anyone else who might enjoy it! :)
          Thank you all so much for your endless support for this story <3