Ive realized now that a lot of people have been asking about my well being and if Im dead- Im not, I'm actually graduating college soon! Thanks for all the love and support, unfortunately, I can't promise that I will be updating the book any longer just cause I honestly hardly remember the details needed to continue it, its been so long So to all the readers of Perfectionist out there, thanks for giving it all the love and support, I do sometimes read the comments and its so heart warming to hear all your kind words; and the community made within the book is incredible <3 Anyway, take breaks while reading- because despite me saying that, I still see notifications lasting from 8am-8pm; take care of yourselves!! ♡ Ya'll are dope
@infamosus I just saw the "I just graduated highschool!" and I was sohappy for you! then I read "I'm graduating college soon!"... YOU AGED WAYYYYY TOO FAST /jk. I lovedreading the book though and ur a great writer! have fun graduating again :]
@infamosus i- That's so sad. I've actually just started reading the Perfectionist and I'm already at chapter 5 but I was hesitant to read it at first when it said it was updated since 2020, I knew it had a slim chance of updating but the description was made so well done I had to! And then I read it, the character was well thought of and I love her attitude so far! It wasn't the usual cliche friendly attitude that would make everybody love her, it's different and new and so interesting I love it! I'll probably stop reading after a few more chapters since I know it's not compkete or maybe I'll finidh it lol. And lastly, I really love your writing style! It's sad that you won't be continuing it but its understandable for that to happen so goodluck with your after college life. (Im so bad at complimenting omfg)