Hello! I'm active again, yay! ^-^ 
Staying anonymous for now. I'm 18.
Some few close members here know the real me, hello! hahaha
Been here since Mar 16, 2012. Stopped writing the same year, May.
For everyone asking for an update on my long lost story, Stranger in Disguise, I don't know yet. Sorry. But I will finish it off, promise.

Again, Staying anonymous for now. :)
But for details:
18 | Forever a book and movie slut.
I can critique too, if you want!
  • Philippines
  • InscritMarch 16, 2012


Dernier message
infinitechronicles infinitechronicles Oct 15, 2012 12:53PM
@SophisticatedDreamer Inactive na ako dito Lou :)
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Histoire par infinitechronicles
Stranger in Disguise (onhold) par infinitechronicles
Stranger in Disguise (onhold)
In this world, there is only one thing to be afraid of -- when everyone's point of view is the right one. Whi...
3 Listes de Lectures