Guess who forgot their insulin for three days straight, this person. I'm okay though I'm trying to be quiet right now because Charlie ( @identify-as-toaster) is doing meditation. Any up to talk for a bit ?
Guess who forgot their insulin for three days straight, this person. I'm okay though I'm trying to be quiet right now because Charlie ( @identify-as-toaster) is doing meditation. Any up to talk for a bit ?
Based on what you know about me, what type of parent am I? The laid back type, strict, safety net, free range, or decent. If none of those fit make up something. I am really curious.
Update on Charlie, he's been out of surgery for a few hours now and is doing good. He ripped his IV out a few times but other than that everything is fine.
Help, I need advice l. How do I calm down a crying infant? Jaque has not stopped crying and I've fed him, burped him, changed him, gave him his elephant. Nothing works.
@infinitegalaxy24 ezra have you tried playing white noise and having something warm near them? They might be having trouble sleeping since Charlie isn't there.